Cancelation Policy
Your appointment time is reserved exclusively for you. Please arrive promptly to obtain your full session. If you need to reschedule, please provide 24-hr notice via email, or the Contact page on this website. Appointments missed or canceled without 24-hr notice that cannot be rescheduled for the following two-week period will be charged the full session rate.
Remote service: payment is due prior to service.
How Does Intuitive Distant Reiki Work?
Intuitive Distant Reiki is extremely effective, as Reiki is not bound by time and space.
We offer Intuitive Distant Reiki in two different ways, both are just as effective.
1) I request a picture of your face to be emailed or texted to me before our session. I call you at the scheduled time to discuss your session goals. I set a time for Reiki to be sent while you are going about your day (shopping, working, etc.) Once done, I email you a summary of the session.
2) I request a picture of your face to be emailed or texted to me before our session.
You will receive a link via text or email of soothing, relaxing music to play in the background during your session. I will call you at the scheduled time to touch base and discuss your session goals. We then we disconnect the line and start the session (I use your picture as a reference). You simply relax and enjoy the energy you are receiving. Once done, I email you a summary of the session.
What Can I Expect from an Internal Blue Skies Breathwork Session?
At the beginning of the session the facilitator will take a few minutes to discuss your intention, demonstrate the breath pattern, and go over any concerns you may have. The facilitator’s job is to assure your safety, comfort, and awareness of the process before getting you started. We recommend you use an eye mask (or something to cover the eyes), headphones, lay flat, head flat, and no food for at least 45’ prior to the session. Find a comfortable place to lay down, where you will not be interrupted for the duration of your session. A typical session will have 3 parts; the chat at the beginning (10-15 mins); the active breathing portion (25-28 mins); and the rest/check in portion to end the session (15 mins). Since this specific Breathwork technique is not only used for relaxation purposes; there is a possibility that some discomfort may arise. Uncomfortable emotions may surface, lightheadedness, crying, shaking and excessive body movement may occur – You may experience some cramping, as your body is reacting to the energy flow and your hands may cramp. Your extremities may tingle, your face may feel tight, but you will remember all this will dissipate as you slow down your breath. All these human reactions are completely normal, and you will be reassured you are in a safe space where you can let yourself relax and experience them. No, we do not recommend you do this specific breathwork technique if you are pregnant. Please consult with your physician prior to engaging in this type of Breathwork technique if you suffer from severe mental health issues, high blood pressure, recent injury or surgery, cardiovascular disease, seizures, aneurism, etc. Please be honest when answering the medical/health questionnaire we are sending you prior to your session. We will assess if you are a candidate for Internal Blues Skies Breathwork.
Internal Blue Skies Healing does not provide medical diagnosis, or consultations related to health, medical, or psychiatric issues. Energy Work (Reiki & Breathwork) is an alternative healing method, and although there is evidence that our practices are effective in helping relieve physical, mental, and spiritual ailments, our modalities are considered alternative or complementary by Western health care professionals.
Debora is not a medical doctor and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment, or diagnosis in relation to the physical health or wellbeing of your body. She is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. You should seek professional medical advice before making any health decision.
Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of a treatment with Debora/Internal Blue Skies Hypnosis & Energy Work.
By booking, attending or participating in a session/treatment of any modality with Debora/Internal Blue Skies Hypnosis & Energy Work, including viewing this website, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Debora/Internal Blue Skies Hypnosis & Energy Work, from any claim or liability whatsoever.